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Thank you to our Generous Sponsors


Confirm your support for a world without type 1 diabetes.

2021 One Dream Gala Sponsorship Opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor $0.00

Marketing and Promotion Benefits

  • Exclusive “Presenting Sponsor” Recognition
    JDRF One Dream Gala, presented by Your Company
  • Premier placement in sponsor recognition reel before the start of the One Dream Gala virtual event
  • Sponsor feature in chapter newsletter (40,000 constituents)
  • Scripted thank you message during event or 30 second commercial spot from sponsor during event
  • Post One Dream Gala thank you video from company representative and brand call-to-action
  • Opportunity for co-created content and/or re-share of any "feel good" media on chapter's social media outlets
  • Opportunity for a virtual "Lunch and Learn with JDRF" session for all employees
  • Name recognition during streamed event
  • Optional 60-second social media video promotion leading up to the Gala
  • Logo recognition on One Dream Gala promotion materials, social media, and during streamed event
  • Invitation to exclusive virtual corporate networking event (date TBD)
  • Logo/company name on One Dream Gala website and chapter website, linked back to your company page (if applicable)

Platinum Sponsor $0.00

Marketing and Promotion Benefits:

  • Opportunity for co-created content and/or re-share of any "feel good" media on chapter's social media outlets
  • Opportunity for a virtual "Lunch and Learn with JDRF" session for all employees
  • Name recognition during streamed event
  • Optional 60-second social media video promotion leading up to the Gala
  • Logo recognition on One Dream Gala promotion materials, social media, and during streamed event
  • Invitation to exclusive virtual corporate networking event (date TBD)
  • Logo/company name on One Dream Gala website and chapter website, linked back to your company page (if applicable)

Activation and Branding Opportunities:
Choose one of the following activation and branding opportunities:

Streaming Virtual Event

  • Recognition in key teaser video highlighting virtual One Dream Gala
  • 30-second commercial spot during One Dream Gala virtual program

Close to Home Experience (2 available)

  • Logo placement on party package delivered to all private in-home party hosts
  • Branded napkins included in each party package
  • Logo on menu selection website

Bidding for a Cause: Auction

  • Logo recognition on bidding platform
  • Customized text on mobile bidding or text messages
  • Ticker message displayed on bidder's mobile devices
  • Recognition as sponsor in social media auction teaser promotional content

Gold Sponsor $0.00

Marketing and Promotion Benefits:

  • Name recognition during streamed event
  • Optional 60-second social media video promotion leading up to the Gala
  • Logo recognition on One Dream Gala promotion materials, social media, and during streamed event
  • Invitation to exclusive virtual corporate networking event (date TBD)
  • Logo/company name on One Dream Gala website and chapter website, linked back to your company page (if applicable)

Activation and Branding Opportunities:
Choose one of the following activation and branding opportunities:

Entertainment (1 available)

  • Exclusive sponsorship of evening entertainment with logo recognition during entertainment experience
  • Dedicated recognition post on chapter social media channels

Virtual Research Update (5 available)

  • Recognition as the virtual research update sponsor and prominent display of logo on event invitation going to an intimate group of high-net-worth individuals
  • Opportunity to speak at the start of the event and introduce the researcher (date TBD)

Silver Sponsor $0.00

Marketing and Promotion Benefits:

  • Logo recognition on One Dream Gala promotion materials, social media, and during streamed event
  • Invitation to exclusive virtual corporate networking event (date TBD)
  • Logo/company name on One Dream Gala website and chapter website, linked back to your company page (if applicable)

Activation and Branding Opportunities:
Choose one of the following activation and branding opportunities:

Social Wall (3 available)

  • Sponsor logo placement on virtual social wall sharing guest photos from One Dream Gala
  • Social media filter or frame available 
  • Brand recognition in post-Gala social media sharing of "social wall slideshow"

Corporate Networking Event

  • Recognition as the networking event sponsor and prominent display of logo on event invitation going out to a diverse cross-section of regional business leaders
  • Speaking opportunity at the start of the event to introduce yourself and your company

T1D Champions "Doing What It Takes" (3 available)

  • Recognition as a sponsor on upcoming T1D Champion content such as #DoingWhatItTakes spotlights

Bronze Sponsor $0.00

Marketing and Promotion Benefits:

  • Logo recognition on One Dream Gala promotion materials, social media, and during streamed event
  • Invitation to exclusive virtual corporate networking event (date TBD)
  • Logo/company name on One Dream Gala website and chapter website, linked back to your company page (if applicable)

Catering Details:

Catering for 10 people delivered to your home including:

  • JDRF Gala swag
  • Cheese and charcuterie platter
  • First course salad, entrée, and dessert
  • Four bottles of wine (red and white)
  • One medium floral arrangement
  • Scheduled delivery from In Thyme Catering directly to your home

I would like to contribute to as a Fund A Cure Sponsor
